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Early Life And Marriage

Gayle Conelly Manchin: A Life of Public Service

Early Life and Marriage

Gayle Conelly Manchin was born on June 20, 1947, in Fairmont, West Virginia. She met Joe Manchin, a future United States Senator, while they were both attending West Virginia University. They married in 1967.

Career and Public Service

Gayle Conelly Manchin is an experienced educator with a Master's degree in education. She founded the Manchin Center for Civic Engagement, which promotes civic education and youth leadership. As First Lady of West Virginia from 2005 to 2010, she focused on issues such as literacy, education, and health care.

Family and Home Life

Gayle Conelly Manchin has three children and eight grandchildren. She has been an active supporter of her husband's political career and has been involved in various charitable and community organizations.
